Profile Gallery AboutAbout the Player
I’ve been roleplaying for roughly twenty years, mainly in fandoms which included the World of Warcraft. While I had done a few roleplays in Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm, I didn’t really subscribe to WoW and persistently rp it until Legion, joining the same realm as my husband. At that time I tried a few races and instantly fell in love with Pandaren and the Horde, and the rest is history.
I like to write and draw as a hobby, and have been using the handle of Wuvvums on various websites and galleries including the personal site this profile is hosted on. You can find me on places like furaffinity, reddit and tumblr, but I mostly only post to my personal website these days. I am always happy to rp and play in WoW, and the easiest way to get in touch with me is to add my battle.net, which is wuvvums#1800. I can also be reached on discord, but I generally change my handle a lot so it’s not worth listing here.
I hope you liked this profile and look forward to anyone who wants to write and collaborate with me. Have a wonderful day! :)
- Web design: Rigley
- Art, writing: Wuvvums
- Character audio taken from Namco X Capcom (Playstation 2)
- Font on passport image: Lifecraft
- Horde symbol on passport image: Horde Symbol 01
- Parchment background on passport image taken from the World of Warcraft.
- Additional art by Nilbogart, Punkchops and Kaeritai07.
- Huojin symbol and trim taken and modified from the World of Warcraft.